Sunday, November 23, 2014


I cannot quantify the correlation between the days that pass, and the growth of my hatred for humans. 
I pretty much is a steady increase, but I wont say that it jumps daily. 
Once in a while, a soul regains your faith in humanity. 

But that is not what this post is about. 

I felt the need to explain my daily struggles. 
In the hopes that someone who experiences the same would come forward. 

Have you ever felt so angry, that the thought of complete universal obliteration sounded peachy. 

 I wish that moshing was allowed in public, without others looking on wards in dismay. Thats what I feel like doing, most days. Just out of pure frustration.I suppose the culture I come from, exhibits this when releasing emotion - and I wish I could just release my emotions like that everywhere. 

Does anyone feel the same? 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

New leaf? Again?

Sometimes - well actually, most times, I just feel the need to leave. Without notice.
Just pack up my life and go to the next place. 

I have done this a few times - and you'd think you'd get over being moved around - and having to start up again but I honestly, love it. 

I am the carefree type - or at least I try to be. I'm just too anxious. Always. 
I expect the worst to happen most of the time, and as for being positive, what does that even mean? 
Being blissfully ignorant is one thing - but when you see the hurt out there - how does one stay innately happy? 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Yeah,dont push it.

Living beyond our means. Fun times.

Anyways, that was another one of my 'brain fart' moments.

Useless Vocation

Honestly, Im just sick and FUCKING tired of all the noise.
That is what it is - NOISE.

BLAH BLAH BLAH - Nothing of substance.

I mean, dont get me wrong, I can talk the biggest load of crap on a good day - but it is generally to keep myself entertained.
To those of you, who think this is a viable means of communication, always, I loathe thee.

You only have one life to live, so live it to the fullest. 

This statement can be interpreted in one of two ways,really:
1. Do whatever you feel, as you only have one chance,
2. This is the only life you have, do the best you can to keep it sacred

Most people go for option 1 - which, in all fairness is their choice, but please dont include me in your ''YOLO'' lifestyle.

I plan to leave a mark, one that could possibly teach generations to come.

I dont want to know about all your one night stands, and possible contraction of HIV.
I dont care about all the alcohol you drank last weekend, and how you are developing cirrhosis of the liver.
I dont care about your relationship issues, because you are abused and choose to stay quiet. 

Get the picture?

Talk to me about your goals, your plans, how you have evolved.